I just wanted to thank everyone who helped with the Mon Valley Giant Scale Air Show. The event turned out to be a great time for all pilots and spectators alike. The people who really made the event great probably did not enjoy their day as much. Working behind the scenes, either in the kitchen serving, down at the ball field parking cars, shuttling spectators back and forth, registering pilots, selling tickets for the drawing, or just walking the lines helping spectators and pilots alike. It was not an Air Show for them, just another work day. One thing for sure, it would not have been a great event without them. Our field looked better that weekend than I have ever seen it. This did not happen by luck, there was a lot of hard work done by some very dedicated club members. There were members working for a couple weeks prior to the event to get the field looking so pristine. I would like to thank each person individually, but I was so distracted during the event , and the time leading up to it, I inevitably would miss someone. Thank you so much, you have my deepest thanks and respect. You all know who you are, and so should the rest of the membership. Kudos to all involved, you deserve it.
I also want to thank our generous sponsors that help make this event profitable. Hobbico for the Futaba 6 EX transmitter donation and special thanks to Dave Johnson from Desert Aircraft for the generous donation of a DA 120. Please remember our sponsors when it comes time to purchase our hobby needs.
Nick Carrozza
Contest Director,
Giant Scale Flyin
Note from the CD’s wife:
Special thanks to Mary Ann, Chrissy, Amelia, Blake, Sue, Linda, Jack, Marge and Jason for their help at the food booth. We were so busy….you were so awesome! Hope you have all recovered by now. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Sotta Carrozza
See pictures of the event here.